Friday, September 28, 2018

Why People Fear Saturn

Why People Fear Saturn

Most astrologers whether traditional or modern, view Saturn as a bad guy. I've honestly never thought of Saturn this way until I started studying astrology. My first remembrance of Saturn was a poster of him in elementary school. He was big & beautiful with those cool rings and had a face that smiled down at me when I looked up at him hanging out on the wall.

When I look back at transits of Saturn, I see that I've had good and not so good things happen which has shown me that the reason people consider saturn bad is cuz they don't want to take responsibility for past actions or inactions and now they are within their consequences from that. Yes, we get rewards for doing what our natal Saturn's asks of us if we took appropriate prior action.

In life, as we grow up, there are stages of maturity yet if we miss these stages, we do not mature and take responsibility for ourselves and continue depending on others or blaming others for our failures. Saturn is not pleased with this and so if you have transiting Saturn hitting your natal &/or prog'd planets, he will put the pressure on you to take responsibility for yourself. This can be emotional or physical or both.

Saturn coming home in Capricorn gives us a great opportunity to right past miss-takes over the last 2.5 or more years - if you're old enough like myself, what transpired in your life last time Saturn was here? If there is something you'd like to do different or redo from that time, NOW is the time to do this! I'm so doing this!

Practical, slow, steady, methodical, foundation building for future vocation/career, work, consistency, focus, concentration, self control, spiritual devotion, discipline, initiation/adept, bringing spiritual ideas into form. These are some of the words I think about with Saturn. Also "put a ring on it" ie make a commitment to something or someone, accountability...

2nd post on Saturn I wrote in Jan 2018. Anyone else experiencing this transit while Saturn treks through Capricorn?

Saturn Returns to Your Natal Sun in Capricorn

Saturn returns to your Capricornian Sun 
~ Lions & Tigers & Bears, oh my! ~

This transit seems to scare the piss outta most people but if you have already had this conjunction at an age where you remember what you were doing while Saturn was transiting Sagittarius and Aquarius, you'll get to see where you can go back and change things, if you would've done things differently in hind-sight. I happen to be able to do this since I was 16 years old, about 4 months before I turned 17, when this happened to me. My Sun is at 0° Capricorn which makes it easy for me to know exactly what I was doing before and after Saturn's transit through Capricorn.
I partied hard the 2 1/2 years before, when Saturn was transiting all my Sagittarius planets, Nep/Mer/Jup, and got pregnant. My baby girl was my Saturn helping me to slow down, be practical, learn to be a mom, moved from Tx to Wa, get my GED & started collage for my career in psychology & sociology. That is, until Saturn ingressed into Aquarius...

I got restless and dropped outta collage, got a job, then my mom seeing how restless I was told me I could leave for 3 months while leaving my 3 year old home with them. During that leave I met my Aquarian young man, more like boy, and guess prego again. I never went back to collage during that time either.
Now, 28 1/2 years later, I'm going to do Saturn in Capricorn right!

What house is in Capricorn for you and are their any planets there that will be starting a new cycle of Saturn? I have my sun at 0° and Venus at 29° both at critical degrees. And Saturn moves from my 7th to 8th house on Jan 26th, and is in my Solar Return 5th house. Last SR both Sun and Saturn were in the 8th SR house.

I wrote this in Jan of 2018. It is now the end of September with Saturn traveling direct. I'm in another astrological cycle that I'll be writing on soon in relation to nodal returns, squares & inverse/reverse returns. I'd love to hear your comments and questions!

Monday, September 3, 2018

So Many Changes....

I just wanted to post here that I've gone through some crazy and fascinating changes along my path over this last year.

At some point my hope is to share these here on my is September 3, 2018.

Stay tuned, I might shock you with what I've learned through my research.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Money, Fear & Vulnerability (Oct 2017)

Today (Oct 2017) I was going to write about something else but this is where I am today, so I'm going to allow my vulnerability to be shown here.
Over the last few years I've been facing my fears around being vulnerable and money (amongst other things). Before fibromyalgia showed up in my life, I made really good money doing sales from websites to cars. After my fall, money has been more of a roller coaster which happens, everyone deals with ups and downs with finances including companies (ebb n flow of life).
Today it was brought to my attention that our car needs to be serviced which will cost between $600-$1000 and on top of that we are playing catch up on rent after our roommates moved out in March. Although money is coming in, it's the extra that we don't have for these types of things. Be aware of service maintenance on hybrid vehicles, we had no clue, that was our own ignorance.
My reactions and responses to such things has matured. Normally I'd shut down and feel like there's no hope, no help so why bother. I felt that feeling, and the emotions that come with it, start to creep in today. Sometimes this happens as a reminder of how far you've come, tho sometimes it can make you go back to those old patterns. But if you consider how they didn't work for you before, instead of reacting you will look at how to respond. This is what I'm focusing on today, responding to these feelings and emotions based on my current situation around money for rent and money for car service maintenance. It feels good getting this out in writing as I know it helps release these emotions from getting stuck, causing more pain ie my fibromyalgia pain.
I've come way to far to go backwards now. Last year I decided it was the first year of the rest of my life, so I take that into consideration too. When we start over or start to heal, we are still faced with those old patterns that are no longer serving us so that we can change those patterns. They will keep coming up until we do something different and quit going over the same old ground.