Wednesday, April 2, 2014
I am a Crazy One ~ Unlimited
Who believes in my Dream
Different as it may seem
Lovely as it is
Scary doth it gets
Yet still I march on
To my own tune will I Be
Be Me
Becoming Who I Really Am
Never look back
Keep forging forward
There is more in store
Than your mind can occur
~Denise 4/2/14
Monday, March 17, 2014
Why Not YOU? Why Not Change Your Direction?
I knew I could but didn't believe I could for the longest time. My Higher Self kept shining a light in my direction yet I ignored it for years, years I could have used to get where I am now...wasted time but that is OK!
Thankfully I did finally see that light and follow the line it lead me to, nothing spiritual at first as I had already left my faith years before after studying myself out of it. But then it became spiritual and I'm glad.
Want to work with someone who has been there, still growing, transparent and honest? Let me know and I can either work with you myself, or help you find the right match.
Need free stuff, no problem, I have plenty of freebies for you! I will also chat with you to see if I am a fit for you to work with :)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Poop Balls...Small Spaces & Dogs
Over this last week I have been finding, what I call poop balls, on my bed. The second time I found one I told my lil girly that if I find another one she was off the bed for the day...she has been a good girly...until today.
At first my egoic self wanted to get mad and angry, scream at and then kick (jj) the dog, but I remained calm after raising my voice to her and booted her outside. She is grounded to the floor - actually I let her be in the chair we happen to have been given...ergo she is very lucky we even have a chair in this space.
So, I picked it up, threw it in the toilet and just BUSTED OUT LAUGHING to myself!! I realized that this "was" (not is) my life! But "is" many other's lives or at least an aspect of it. Let me enlighten you folks - we drag around poop balls daily!! I mean really, think about it...when we have bad self talk whether directly or indirectly (about us or about our outside circumstance/situation) we ARE DROPPING POOP BALLS on ourselves!
When this hit me I was like, I gotta blog this! Do you keep finding or giving yourself poop balls? It has been so liberating and freeing to be rid of my poop balls, and you too can be rid of yours.
Yes, we live in a very small space with 2 dogs, the kids are grown and on their own, yea! But I am so very thankful, even when my ego may try to butt in, that I am no longer homeless or trying to fight winter in an RV, lol! When my ego arises to the occasion to belittle or judge I start blessing everything in sight, no matter what it looks like. I Am That. I love this statement as it reminds me who I really am and also brings my mind back to the present when it has wondered off.
My quest is to help you and touch peoples lives that resonate with me. Always go by your own intuition and with what resonates for you - best advice my teacher gave me.
Yall have a Blessed Day and Blessed Life :)
Here is a pic of me and my lil girly, Rosie, ok she is actually older but a small dog still, nonetheless.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
The Last Flower
Saturday, February 15, 2014
25 Core Messages ~ Conversations of God ~ Neale Donald Walsch
1,000 words that will
change the world
December 16, 2012
Friday, February 14, 2014
I Am Not I Poem by Juan Ramon Jimenez
“I Am Not I”
Friday, February 7, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Changing your mindset is a great place to start...
I use to complain all the time and blame outside stuff on my misery, until Nov 2012 when I started reading The Science of Getting Rich, then You Were Born to Be Rich almost a year later. Nov 2013 I was healed of the pain from FM and was able to get off all of my perscription medications. Since then, I have awakened/self realized, or whatever one choses to call it, and that has rocked my world. BUT before we get beyond 2012, I just wanted to share something I wrote back then:
There is HOPE but you MUST change your MINDSET!! You see, I created all my own misery and you are too - stop, stop right now and start thinking differently. No, it won't change over night but with time and practice, you will notice changes.
Be grateful exactly where you are, be happy exactly where you are, seek the good and the lesson out of what you are going through. I finally did :)
Reach out!! Reach out to someone you know or to me, I will help you but you have to be ready to help yourself. I have been through hell and back more than one time. I thought it was only suppose to happen once, NO it will happen over and over again but how you React to it and you Attitude and Actions will be what makes the difference.
One thing I learned: What was, was; What is, is; What will be, will be and you only have control over your Attitude & Actions!
This is true and is validated via the Law of Relativity as Bob Proctor stated in regards to "what is, is" and we have no control over it therefore we can only control our attitude about it.
I pray this reaches someone who needs this and that you do reach out and get help along your journey. If only I could go back and do some things different, If Only, but I can't and neither can you - so make a difference today - start over today! >
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Are you resisting thoughts and emotions?
When we can feel and work from the heart, we can transmute our pain into peace, grief into joy, anger into serenity which will also radiate from us to others, even to their brains! We try to avoid experiences we think are negative and stay away from situations that may be painful, therefore supressing our real feelings. The heart will come to our aide if we will become fully present with what it is we are experiencing, instead of running away from what we don't like.
So when we accept the unacceptable instead of pushing it away, we find that we grow personally and that our pain is simply our healing wanting to break through. This is phsycological pain from trauma of emotions. This is what I needed to break through so that I could heal. The many times my heart tried doing this before I shut it out because I was afraid of myself, for lack of a better way to explain this, but now I am free from all the chaotic emotions that use to run rampet through me – some of them weren't scary at all once I let them run their course, wow!