Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Where are you in your awakening, self-realization or evolution?

Whether it's spiritual or not we are all changing from outside in.
I say outside in 
as we are usually looking outside of ourselves, until we start looking within.

I am awake and embracing life in my own unique way, though I
honestly was not loving life outside my own peace bubble when I first

This took some time for me as it may for you. This too shall pass.
If it doesn't, that's ok too.

There is always balance in the Universe. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

From Within...

From within, I bring forth
I am alone, therefore I bring forth
This is my creation, Do I like what I see? 
If not make those changes that benefit me for the All -who are the other beings of not myself?
Nothing is outside/separate from myself ergo my only need/to-do list is to go withing - be me.

Knowing this, there is nothing to teach, learn, heal outside my very own self. 
IT IS ONLY ME - all other apparitions are aspects of me - ie like me playing an RPG.
There is no one to pray to when there is no separation.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Virtual Reality

It's like we're all walking around wearing virtual reality glasses, interacting with our imaginations, while using the body to experience through our senses all the many things to experience here in this dual or polar world. How else can you experience something other than love? You can't. 

Have fun. 
Live, laugh, love. 

Love yourself, your Divine Self and be true to yourself always, in all ways. Embrace the shadow and all will be well. Let life flow and unfold.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Starting my Blog here Back up...

As you read through old and new posts you will most likely see what you might call contradictions, depending on where you are in life...they are paradoxes as I am paradoxical. Is that a word? Don't know, don't mind if it isn't as words are very limiting anyways. I am who I am and am where I am and nothing more, nothing less. I love to worship, be unconventional, expand in ideas, study jyotish & numerology, writing randomly since I cant write sanely without it driving me insane.

I'll have guest blogs on here and will share blogs I come across that get my ideas across without the need to reinvent the wheel. Everything here is freely given. I'll be shining some light on the dreaded 6th, 8th & 12th houses, Scorpio, Saturn and Mars. I love all deities, ascended masters, angels, gods, and many more while embracing the yin and yang of ourselves and the universe. Some writings will make more sense than others and always feel free to comment. I'll be sharing some YouTube videos as well.

I love variety so you will see many different things between these 4 subjects: Life in General; Jyotish/Numerology; My Views on Spiritual/Religious/Philosophical/Scientific type stuff; Humor of the Mind (my mind mostly lol) which all 4 will include other's thoughts and ideas on these things. By the way, I had a much better script thought out a few days ago but this way truly keeps me authentic as I am my own worst critic. Oh, and in case you are wondering what the heck I do believe in, I believe in everything and nothing. Don't ask unless you really wanna go down that rabbit hole.